Love, Joy, Peace...
We seek to make disciples of Jesus who Worship God in Spirit and Truth; Walk with one another in love; and Witness to people here and around the world.
Ladies' Breakfast & Banter
Saturday, March 15, at 9:30 a.m.
Shirley Hoeman is hosting, but we have a slight venue change. The breakfast will be at the Ridgewood Clubhouse (5 Applewood Lane, Falmouth). There is plenty of parking immediately behind the building off Applewood Lane.
Please bring a breakfast dish to share!
Greeter Sign-Up
Tap to sign up to be a Greeter!
Second Parish Church Kitchen & Nursery Shower
Here is a list of items that are needed for the church nursery and kitchen as we get ready to move back in to the building!
Tap to access the Amazon link.

Some items are on special sale right now!
OPC Women's Retreat Registration Link
Tap for Registration Form. More information on card below.
Registration deadline- March 17.
Main Speaker- Sarah Ivill
Tap for more information on workshop speakers. Registration Link on card above.
Child Form for Sunday School
We are geting ready to start Sunday school back up!
We appreciate your prompt response on the form, so we can get teachers, classes and curriculum organized.

Tap to access the form. Thank you!
Prayer Calendar~ March 2025
Tap for the monthly prayer calendar.
This Sunday's Bulletin
Tap to connect to this Sunday's Order of Worship.
Second Parish belongs to the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC). What does that mean? Tap for more information.
Bible Study On Demand
We have a robust selection of Online Bible study materials available on our church website. Please be sure to take advantage of this resource and share with your family and friends!
Tap for our main Online Bible study page. From there you can search in the website menu for online bible study options.
College & Career Group
Dinner & Study for College and Young Adults
Please join us on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month at 6:30 p.m. for dinner, fellowship and a study. We are currently studying "Pilgrim's Progress." It is held at various locations.
Please tap for contact information.
Visit our church website!
Online Giving
Falmouth Bible Study
Please join us on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month at 6:30 p.m. for a time of Bible study and prayer at the Ridgewood Clubhouse in Falmouth.

Tap for contact information!
Men's Coffee & Conversation
Weekly Men's Bible Study & Prayer
Tuesdays at 6:30 a.m. at Roots Cafe (20 School St., Westbrook).

The cafe doesn't officially open until 7:00 a.m. Call/text Danny (207-809-9464) if you are planning to come, so he can make sure the door is unlocked to let you in.
Tap for cafe information and directions!

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28 (ESV)
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Ministry Teams Information
Tap to access information and team leaders' names and numbers for our eight ministry teams. Are you interested in joining one of the teams?